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Bronx Print Technology

‘Bronx Print’ Technology – Creating a niche product and market

If you’re looking for innovative solutions and proven technology to enhance and build your market share, then ‘Bronx Print’ may be just what you are looking for.

Bronx are world leaders in pattern printing technology and  continually expand and develop machinery and patterns for this growth market . Further, the quality of the final print provided by Bronx pattern printing systems is of the highest quality.

‘We find  customers are exploring modern ways to enhance and build their market share. ‘Bronx Print’ is one way to do this, and what is really exciting is that the patterns can be complex  but  are easy to print on a Bronx quality coating line”, says Cheryl Cattarin,  Global Marketing Manager for the Bronx Group.

Bronx Embossing

Coil Paint and Metal Embossing and ‘special additives’ in the paint are also finishes that are becoming increasingly popular in the coil coating industry. To learn more about increasing your market share with innovative patterns, contact us.



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